Have you ever thought about if your performance can be enhanced by specialist vision correction? You only need to look at sporting professionals wearing frames and lenses specifically designed for their sport to help them perform at peak level regardless of the environment.
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Whatever your sport, whether you are a spectacle wearer or not, your sporting ability may be improved with the use of specialist lenses. We have access to a large range of sports eyewear to suit each individual for each sport.
Precision tints and polarised lenses can cut out unwanted reflections and glare in bright conditions. There are also contrast enhancing tints which can help in low lighting or help a ball stand out from any background.
Eye strain can also cause mental and physical tiredness which can prevent you from performing at your best. On these occasions, inadequate lighting will only contribute to inefficiencies.
The most appropriate choice of eyewear can also protect your eyes from fast flying objects e.g. squash balls, or even stones or debris that may cause significant eye injuries. We can offer lenses which are resistant to impact and near unbreakable.
Some sports mean you’ll be subjected to high levels of UV radiation. UV exposure can cause temporary “snow blindness” but also long term can lead to the development of cataracts. It is important to not only protect yourself from the UV radiation but also optimise vision. The solution can often be found in the form of a polarised lens.
In most sports fractions of a second/centimetre is the difference between success and failure. Make sure your vision doesn't let you down by keeping up to date with your regular eye examinations. If you are due a test or feel your sight is below par book an eye examination now.
We can also supply prescription swimming goggles, diving masks, spectacles for shooting or snooker. If you would like more information about how we can help you in your given sport, come and talk to our specialist dispensers.